Certificate: Alcohol and Drug Counseling
Department: Counseling and School Psychology
Course Level: Graduate
Credit Hours: 15 credit hours
Delivery Format: Online
Prerequisites: 完成心理健康许可或积极参加心理健康咨询师许可项目
酒精和药物咨询证书提供酒精和药物咨询师执照所需的课程,允许临床心理健康咨询学生和该领域的心理健康专业人员获得持有该专业执照所需的教育. After completing the certificate, 学生将具备运用专业道德标准的知识和能力. 学生将发展一个文化多样化的成瘾咨询人群的观点,包括干预措施,以治疗不同的客户群体, understanding of theories of addiction and addictive behaviors, and be able to demonstrate application of individual and group counseling theories, assessments, and interview skills, to address client concerns.
Coursework is pre-approved to lead to licensure in the state of Nebraska; those residing elsewhere should check that the course requirements are the same to obtain licensure in their state or country.
Learn More About Alcohol and Drug Counseling Certificate
Required (15 credit hours*)
Take all of the following:
CSP 807P - Clinical Treatment Issues in Addictions Counseling (3 credit hours)
CSP 808P - Assessment, Case Planning, and Management of Addictions (3 credit hours)
CSP 809P - Medical and Psychosocial Aspects of Addictions (3 credit hours)
CSP 885 - Practicum in Counseling and Guidance (3 credit hours)
CSP 892 - Internship in Clinical Mental Health Counseling (3 credit hours)
*Courses are subject to change.
Certificate: Communication Instructional Development
Department: Communication
Course Level: Graduate
Credit Hours: 18 Credit Hours
Delivery Format: Online
交际教学发展bet36365体育投注证书旨在提高学生在各种环境中教授交际的能力, suitable for current teachers, education students, 或者那些拥有硕士学位的人想要获得教授公开演讲或类似大学水平入门课程的资格. The certificate is also stackable with bet36365体育's Public Communication M.A. program.
For education students and professionals, 该证书将提供有效地教授这些课程和领导俱乐部的技能,以及将他们与其他类似职位的申请人区分开来的额外资格. For education students and professionals who have completed graduate degrees, the certificate will additionally allow them to teach dual-enrollment courses, 哪些课程将为高中生提供大学学分,并提高他们对潜在雇主的吸引力. For students with master's degrees in either education or communication, 该证书将进一步提供必要的资格,以教授公开演讲或其他类似的介绍性沟通课程的讲师, instructor, or adjunct in most 2-year and 4-year institutions, further expanding the students’ career prospects.
SPCH 802 - Introduction to Graduate Study in Communication
SPCH 830 - Teaching of Communication Studies
SPCH 855P - Communication Training & Consulting
(6-9 hours in SPCH or JMC courses 800+)
(0-3 hours in any outside discipline 800+)
Certificate: Early Childhood Family Advocate Certificate
Department: Family Studies and Interior Design
Degree Level: Undergraduate
Credit Hours: 15 credit hours
Delivery Format: Online
早期儿童家庭倡导者证书是为那些被雇用或对早期儿童计划感兴趣的家庭倡导者(如在启智计划中发现的那些)和学前/儿童保育设置而设计的. This certificate will help students understand the healthy development of children, physically socially, emotionally, and intellectually. 它还将帮助学生支持健康的家庭关系,并了解发生在父母和孩子之间的动态. 该证书将帮助学生培养促进家庭生活教育的技能. 学生将学习如何协调社区的服务和资源,并将能够确定如何促进儿童入学准备和鼓励家庭自我倡导.
(15 credit hours*)
FAMS 251 - The Developing Child 0-8
FAMS 302 - Parent Education
FAMS 406 - Family Resource Management
FAMS 476 - Child & Family Home Visitation
TE 347 - Literacy Methods Birth to Age Three
*Courses are subject to change and are each 3 credit hours
Certificate: Professional Sales Certificate
Department: Marketing/Management Information Systems
Degree Level: Undergraduate
Credit Hours: 12 credit hours
Delivery Format: Online
专业销售证书是为那些有兴趣发展或提高整体销售知识的人设计的,他们可以从事销售职业,也可以在专业销售领域提升自己. This may include students who are not seeking a degree, working professionals, or students who are seeking a degree. 该证书的主要目标是专注于企业对企业的销售,并为学生准备销售队伍的技能,有效地利用有限的资源, as well as to understand and properly implement marketing strategies. 该证书还将为学生提供最佳水平的客户服务技能, 帮助他们利用适当的信息源和客户关系管理(CRM)软件知识. Students will become proficient in the entire sales process, develop a variety of effective sales techniques, and gain the ability to know when to use them in adaptive selling. The certificate draws from courses offered in the B.S. in Business Administration.
(12 credit hours)
MKT 300 - Principles of Marketing
MKT 331 - Professional Selling
MKT 437/837P - Sales Management
Choose one of the following courses:
MKT 438/838P - Consumer Behavior
MKT 460/860P - Product Management
MKT 336 - Services Marketing
MKT 430 - International Marketing
Certificate: Public History
Department: History
Course Level: Graduate
Credit Hours: 15 credit hours
Delivery Format: Online
在线公共历史bet36365体育投注证书有助于满足社会对能够将历史概念与人们和社区联系起来的专业人士不断扩大的需求. The program provides students with expertise in historical research and analysis, public history theory, hands-on experience, and public outreach.
课程完成后,学生将能够1)有效地将历史思想传达给不同的受众, 2)了解公共历史作为一个领域的理论基础和围绕该领域演变的关键辩论, 3)阐明公共历史及其分支学科的道德和专业标准. Public historians often find jobs in historical societies, museums, community organizations, and academia. 该证书还为有兴趣在继续教育的同时提高薪水的教育工作者提供bet36365体育投注水平的课程.
Required (9 credit hours*)
Take all of the following:
HIST 848 – Readings in American History: Public History (3 credit hours)
HIST 868P – Digital History (3 credit hours)
HIST 875 – Internship in History (3 credit hours)
Electives (6 credit hours*)
Select 6 credit hours from the following:
HIST 848 -美国历史阅读:博物馆和历史遗址解读(3学时)
HIST 848 -美国历史阅读:公共历史管理(3学时)
HIST 848 -美国历史阅读:国家公园的公共历史(3学时)
HIST 848 – Readings in American History: History and Memory (3 credit hours)
HIST 848 – Readings in American History: Oral History (3 credit hours)
*Courses are subject to change.
Certificate: Spanish
Department: Modern Languages
Course Level: Graduate
Credit Hours: 18 credit hours
Delivery Format: Online
在线西班牙语bet36365体育投注证书课程为学生提供知识和技能,通过语言学习加深对西班牙语的理解, literature and culture. With a broad range of course topics and learning opportunities, 学生可以个性化的程序,以最好地满足他们的个人和专业兴趣. 课程的完成将使学生在当今竞争激烈的就业市场中获得更好的市场竞争力. 该证书还为有兴趣在继续教育的同时提高薪水的教育工作者提供bet36365体育投注水平的课程. 然而,课程完成并不授予在K-12学校教授西班牙语的认证.
Required (18 credit hours*)
Select 18 credit hours of coursework from the following:
SPAN 805 - Structure of the Spanish Language (3 credit hours)
SPAN 815 - Seminar in Contemporary Spanish Thought (3 credit hours)
SPAN 816 - Seminar in Contemporary Latin American Prose Writings (3 credit hours)
SPAN 818 - Seminar in Contemporary Drama (3 credit hours)
SPAN 840 - Topics in Peninsular Literature and Culture (3 credit hours)
SPAN 845 - Topics in Latin American Literature and Culture (3 credit hours)
SPAN 850 - Topics in U.S. Latino/Chicano Literature and Culture (3 credit hours)
SPAN 875 - Graduate Study Abroad (3 credit hours)
SPAN 876 - Graduate Study Abroad (3 credit hours)
SPAN 880 - Professional Development (3 credit hours)
SPAN 897 - Directed Readings in Spanish (3 credit hours)
SPAN 898 - Special Topics (3 credit hours)
SPAN 899 - Independent Studies in Spanish (3 credit hours)
*Courses are subject to change